Hackathon Questions
Education - Option 1
Develop a Collaborative AI-Driven Platform for Real-World Learning
How can we create an AI-powered platform that effectively bridges the gap between industry and academia, facilitating high school Career and Technical Education (CTE), Alternative Graduation Pathways or College level capstone projects that compensate students for apprenticeship work while adhering to accreditation and regulatory standards? This platform should automate the process of aligning students with industry-sponsored projects, matching them based on skills, interests, and academic achievements. It should also ensure that these projects stay relevant to the latest technological advancements, contributing to meaningful learning experiences and equipping students with the real-world skills they need.
  1. Key Objectives for the Platform:
  1. Skill-Based Matching: Implement AI algorithms to analyze students’ profiles and match them with projects that fit their skill sets, interests, and educational background.
  1. Industry Relevance: Regular updates and inputs from industry partners to keep the project database current with the latest technological needs and trends, ensuring students work on projects that have real-world applications and value.
  1. Compliance and Accreditation: Features to document and verify that projects meet academic standards and industry regulations, facilitating seamless integration into curricular requirements and accreditation processes.
  1. Mentorship and Collaboration: Facilitate mentorship opportunities by connecting students with industry professionals, providing guidance, feedback, and networking opportunities that enrich the learning experience.
  1. Reverse Mentorship Collaboration: Facilitate mentorship opportunities by educating industry professionals, providing technical knowledge, new ideas and fresh perspectives.
  1. Feedback and Evolution: Mechanisms for ongoing feedback from both students and industry partners to continually refine project relevance, platform usability, and educational impact.
Develop Platform For the One of the Following Technologies:
  1. Augmented Reality (AR) Developers
  1. SaaS Automation
Education - Option 2
Innovate an AI Education Toolkit for Teachers and Students:
With the continuous growth of AI technology, what tools can we develop to help educators and students keep pace with these changes? Consider creating a solution that provides a dynamic curriculum that evolves with AI advancements, radical pedagogy shifts to help students become self learners, offers certification for emerging technologies and includes a guidebook for applying AI in educational settings. This toolkit should also promote the ethical use of AI, focusing on preventing plagiarism and cheating and encouraging students to use AI responsibly in their learning journey.
  1. Key Objectives for Platform:
  1. Dynamic Curriculum Integration: Develop an evolving curriculum that seamlessly integrates current AI advancements, ensuring educational materials are up-to-date and relevant. This curriculum would adapt to include the latest AI technologies, methodologies, and case studies, providing learners with a robust understanding of AI's impact across various sectors.
  1. Certification for Emerging Technologies: Offer certification programs for cutting-edge technologies like drones, AI programming, machine learning models, and ethical AI use. These certifications will validate the skills and knowledge acquired, making students more competitive in the job market.
  1. Comprehensive AI Application Guidebook: Provide an extensive guidebook that details the application of AI in educational settings, including lesson planning, project ideas, and best practices for integrating AI tools into teaching and learning processes. This guidebook should serve as a practical resource for educators looking to incorporate AI into their classrooms effectively.
  1. Promoting Ethical AI Use: Ensure all toolkit components are infused with ethical guidelines to foster AI's responsible use. Focus on resources for spotting AI biases, assessing AI's societal impacts, and combating academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) using AI detection tools like Turnitin. Evaluate the effectiveness, advantages, and limitations of existing tools, explore leading universities' practices, and highlight communities for cross-disciplinary idea sharing.
  1. AI Literacy and Skill Development: Equip students with the foundational AI literacy and technical skills necessary to navigate and contribute to the future AI-driven world. This involves teaching problem-solving with AI, understanding AI mechanisms, and applying AI tools in project-based learning to solve real-world challenges.
  1. Interactive Learning Experiences: Incorporate interactive and immersive learning experiences through simulations, virtual labs, and gamification. These experiences should enable hands-on learning with AI technologies, enhancing engagement and retention of AI concepts and applications. Include in your build a spectrum that includes special education students and gifted and talented.
  1. Community and Collaboration Platform: Create a virtual community platform that encourages collaboration among students, educators, and AI professionals. This platform would facilitate mentorship, share innovative AI educational projects, and offer networking opportunities, fostering a supportive ecosystem for AI education enthusiasts.
  1. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensure the toolkit is accessible to a diverse range of learners, including those with disabilities. Implement inclusive design principles to make AI education equitable, supporting various learning styles and removing barriers to access.
  1. Simplified Knowledge Transfer: Ensure platform leads students to simplified customized learning lessons and pushes them to pursue knowledge external to the platform. Sometimes the pen and pad are the best tools.
Occupations to Develop Platform For:
  1. Teachers, and Professors
  1. Educational Publishers
  1. Software Developers
The Future of Community Care:
The Future of Community Care: Developing a Unified AI-Driven Platform for Essential Services
In an era where technological advancements can significantly enhance societal well-being, this challenge seeks innovative minds to leverage AI in creating a unified platform that effectively addresses the critical needs of underserved and bilingual communities. Participants are encouraged to develop a comprehensive, scalable solution that integrates sustainable emergency food supply, affordable housing, and water quality management into a single platform. This unified system should be culturally sensitive, economically viable, and environmentally sustainable.
Unified Essential Services Platform:
  • Sustainable Emergency Food Supply: The El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank distributes approximately 100 million pounds of food annually to over 300,000 food-insecure residents in El Paso, Hudspeth, and Culberson Counties, despite significant resource constraints. Your platform should include AI-driven tools that enhance the efficiency of food distribution, attract new sources of funding and food donations, and generate nutritious, low-cost meal recipes using common ingredients.
  • Affordable Housing: Incorporate AI-driven functionalities that identify potential construction sites, optimize resource usage, and ensure that housing projects are sustainable and accessible. The platform should assist in navigating regulatory challenges and facilitate community planning to accelerate the provision of affordable housing.
  • Water Quality Improvement: Integrate capabilities for real-time data analysis and predictive maintenance within the platform to monitor and enhance water quality in targeted communities. This will ensure that all community members can realize the health benefits of clean water.
AI-Driven Data Visualization: The platform should utilize advanced data visualization techniques to analyze and illustrate data, helping to pinpoint communities in need and optimize the allocation of resources across food, water, and housing services.
This challenge is not just about technological innovation; it's about creating a platform that has a profound societal impact. We encourage you to envision and develop a system that is not only effective in meeting the needs of these communities but also facilitates continuous improvement and adaptation to future challenges.
Life Sciences Question 1:
Enhancing Women’s Health Research Through AI How can AI be utilized to enrich research and data collection specifically related to women's health, addressing historical gaps and disparities in this field? Develop an AI system that consolidates and analyzes existing data sources to improve women’s health outcomes.
Key Objectives for the Platform:
  • Data Integration: Create a system that aggregates and synthesizes existing health data from multiple sources, such as clinical trials, health surveys, and hospital records, to provide a comprehensive dataset for women’s health research.
  • Targeted Research Tools: Develop AI tools specifically designed to analyze health trends and conditions prevalent among women, promoting deeper insights and more accurate health outcomes.
  • Virtual Community for Research Sharing: Establish a virtual community platform that facilitates the seamless sharing of research findings and data with healthcare providers, research institutions, and patient advocacy groups, enhancing collaborative efforts and transparency.
  • Outcomes Monitoring: Implement monitoring tools to track the impact of research findings on treatment protocols and health policy for women.
Occupations to Develop Platform For:
  1. Biomedical Researchers focusing on gender disparities
  1. Data Scientists specializing in health data integration
  1. Clinical Trial Designers
Life Sciences Question 2:
Utilizing Publicly Available Data to Enhance Mental Health Support in Underserved Communities
How can AI leverage publicly available data to improve mental health support in underserved communities, avoiding the use of HIPAA-sensitive or self-reported data? Develop an AI-driven solution that identifies trends, predicts community mental health needs, and enhances public health strategies.
Key Objectives for the Platform:
  • Trend Analysis and Need Assessment: Use AI to analyze publicly available data such as social determinants of health, environmental stressors, and community health statistics to identify trends and predict mental health needs in different communities.
  • Predictive Modeling: Develop predictive models that help public health professionals anticipate mental health crises and plan interventions accordingly, based on non-sensitive data.
  • Resource Mapping: Utilize AI to map existing resources and identify gaps in service provision, enabling more effective placement and promotion of mental health resources in areas that lack sufficient services.
  • Public Health Decision Support: Create an AI-powered tool that provides public health professionals with actionable insights and recommendations for mental health interventions and policies based on the analyzed data.
Occupations to Develop Platform For:
  1. Public Health Professionals
  1. Data Scientists specializing in public health analytics
  1. Community Health Strategists